「KoA 洛汗」修訂間的差異

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(创建页面,内容为“Folde - Ruling from the Golden Hall, Theoden brings the Royal Guard, Rohan's best cavalry. 中谷:金殿直属之领,其主是国王希优顿,麾下的王室…”)

於 2020年12月14日 (一) 17:44 的修訂

Folde - Ruling from the Golden Hall, Theoden brings the Royal Guard, Rohan's best cavalry. 中谷:金殿直屬之領,其主是國王希優頓,麾下的王室護衛是洛汗最精銳的騎兵。

Westfold - From the Hornburg Erkenbrand brings lancers and Helmingas, a troop specialized in foot combat, skilled in both archery and melee combat. 西谷:來自號角堡的額肯布蘭德麾下是槍騎兵和聖盔護衛,後者是步兵,箭術精良的同時近戰搏鬥也不落下風。

Eastfold - From the Eastfold Rohan draws their best horse archers, well armoured and equipped, they can devastate armies from afar. 東谷:洛汗最優秀的騎射手的故鄉,他們裝備精良,能從極遠處摧毀敵人。

West-March - Having a strict focus on infantry, the sturdy troops of the West-March will be the first wall to stop the tide of the Orcs of Isengard. 西界:洛汗最精銳的步兵來自這裏,他們將是抵擋艾辛格半獸人潮水般攻勢的第一道防線。

The Wold - The Riders of the Wold are light skirmishing cavalry. Their training, steeds, and light equipment makes them some of the fastest riders in Middle Earth. 北高原:來自這裏的士兵是輕裝騎射手。他們的訓練、駿馬和輕裝是他們成為中土最靈活的騎兵之一。