「KoA 艾辛格」修訂間的差異

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(创建页面,内容为“Storm Legion - The first legion has the standard Uruk-Hai soldiers and berserkers. 暴风军团:第一军团,拥有成建制的强兽人步兵和狂战士。 Or…”)
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Storm Legion - The first legion has the standard Uruk-Hai soldiers and berserkers.
Storm Legion - The first legion has the standard Uruk-Hai soldiers and berserkers.

於 2020年12月15日 (二) 13:16 的修訂


Storm Legion - The first legion has the standard Uruk-Hai soldiers and berserkers. 暴風軍團:第一軍團,擁有成建制的強獸人步兵和狂戰士。

Orthanc Legion - The second legion has Orthanc Guard, elite Dunlendings, alongside their heavy Uruk-Hai. 奧桑克軍團:第二軍團,擁有奧桑克塔守衛——精銳的登蘭德人,還有重裝強獸人。

Pavise Legion - The last legion(in dire need of a new name), has Uruk-Hai drilled in formations with their broad pavise shields, becoming impervious to straight on missile fire. 巨盾軍團:終末軍團(救救孩子,幫忙想一個更好的名字),訓練強獸人用巨型闊盾構成陣線,在箭風前密不透雨。

Scouts - Lurtz and the Uruk-Hai scouts have lighter equipped soldiers better suited to skirmishing. 斥候:路茲及手下的強獸人斥候輕裝上陣,是艾辛格重要的偵查和游擊力量。

Warg Riders - The orcs of the White Hand make up the entirety of Isengard's cavalry force, focused entirely on riding their wargs into battle, letting the Uruk-Hai make up a more formidable mainline. 座狼騎兵:艾辛格的騎兵隊伍全部由白掌半獸人組成,騎術精湛,輔助強獸人滾滾向前的陣線。