KoA 剛鐸

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於 2021年9月3日 (五) 13:02 由 Bombadil對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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KoA icon Gondor.png
原名 Gandor
譯名 剛鐸
KoA icon Gondor Anfalas.png 安法拉斯:海濱之領,因為海盜長期的騷擾威脅,放棄發展陸上部隊,培養鑄造出獨一無二的海軍士兵和戰艦。其領主是哥拉斯吉爾。


Anórien - The royal demesne of Gondor, led by Boromir its unique are the Tower Guard, made up of some of the best infantry in Gondor. 安諾瑞安:剛鐸王室之領,由波羅莫統治,特色兵種是剛鐸最精銳的步兵之一———聖白塔守衛。

Ithilien - Overrun by orcs, Faramir and his captains lead elite rangers in guerrilla warfare against Mordor and its allies. 伊西利安:眼下半獸人橫行。法拉墨和他的小隊長們帶領著精銳遊俠與魔多及其爪牙游擊作戰。

Lossarnach - The Lord of Lossarnach Forlong brings heavy shock infantry with axes to the battlefield. 羅薩那奇:羅薩那奇之主福隆及麾下重裝持斧步兵將在戰場上掀起一片腥風血雨。

Lebennin - Orodreth's fiefdom specializes in naval warfare with the Pelargir Marines. The Lebennin troops from the mainland bring a skirmishing aspect to Gondor's heavy infantry. 蘭班寧:歐絡追斯之領,特色兵種是擅長海戰的佩拉格馬潤。蘭班寧陸上士兵多為游擊射手,輔助剛鐸的重裝步兵陣線。

Belfalas - Home of the Swan Knights and Prince Imrahil. Featuring some of the heaviest and effective cavalry in Middle Earth. 貝爾法拉斯:天鵝騎士和印拉希爾親王之鄉。擁有堪稱中土防護最好、最精銳的騎兵。

Lamedon - Angbor of Calembel leads foot knights specialized in dueling with great swords. 拉密頓:卡倫貝爾的「無畏者」安格柏率領著擅長揮舞巨劍撕裂敵人陣線的步行騎士。

Morthond - Duinhir and the soldiers of Mornan are adept with the bow, with archers and heavier infantry both effective at range. 黑谷:度因海爾及其麾下黑谷士兵精通箭術——不管是射手還是重裝步兵,都擅長用遠程武器殲滅敵人。

Pinnath Gelin - Hirluin's fiefdom is one of the least wealthy, but their troops are hardy and quickly trained into effective soldiers. 皮納斯傑林:「白膚」賀路恩之領,儘管是剛鐸最不富裕的領地,但皮納斯傑林士兵堅韌不拔,勤奮好學,短時間內便能成為精銳士兵。

Anfalas - This coastal fiefdom will have unique naval troops and ships because of constant threat of corsairs. Its lord, Golasgil, has no specialized land troops available. 安法拉斯:海濱之領,因為海盜長期的騷擾威脅,放棄發展陸上部隊,培養鑄造出獨一無二的海軍士兵和戰艦。其領主是哥拉斯吉爾。