
從 骑砍中文百科
於 2023年8月8日 (二) 10:34 由 XQY對話 | 貢獻 所做的修訂
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階層 所需等級 裝備
護士 7 Simple Medic Box - Heals allies for 20% within a 5 meter radius (3次)
戰地醫療兵 20 Deployable Shield Set (3) - 3 placeable shields
戰地外科醫生 39 Surgeon's Kit - Heals allies for 100% within a 25 meter radius (1 charge)
Field Medic Box - Heals allies for 40% within a 10 meter radius (8 charges)
外科大師 50 Strong Barricade - Hitpoints: 3300 (1 charge)
Explosive Barrel - Does a damage of 700 to enemies in a radius of 10 metres