
别杀鸡讨论 | 贡献2020年3月7日 (六) 17:18的版本 (优化大修)
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MOD英文名 Custom Settlements
MOD中文名 城镇建设
适用游戏 原版 及 之前
翻译 wyz17153
汉化 wyz17153


0.67 简/繁体汉化包(wyz17153):http://bbs.mountblade.com.cn/thread-59865-1-1.html

官网发布帖地址(by wickedshot):http://forums.taleworlds.net/index.php/topic,53036.0.html


0.675 官网下载地址:http://www.mbrepository.com/modules/PDdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=8&lid=1012

0.675 补丁官网下载地址:http://www.mbrepository.com/modules/PDdownloads/singlefile.php?cid=4&lid=1013







Custom Settlements(城鎮建設)试玩之初体验:一个土匪来了!- by meange

Custom Settlements(城鎮建設)简单攻略 3.19日通关更新- by 宁采臣

Custom Settlements常見問題匯總:-)- by wyz17153

Custom Settlemens 0.67英雄养成指南- by 小小的疯

Custom Settlements0.6(城鎮建設)城镇发展的部分截图- by rockbass





  • Griffinhill by mukk
  • Falconpass by Berpol
  • Esgaroth by jacob25
  • Grenlandsby by Folthrik
  • Diavolonia by Diavolo
  • Drunadd by Datver

















0.66 Additions Specifics: 0.66新特性: 11 new heroes 11个新英雄(记得去Dantsic收我的英雄Worth Brook做小弟哦) new hero system traits implementeted (energetic, lazy, leisurely, bounty hunter, brave, coward, pragmatist) 英雄特性系统进一步完善(增加了精力充沛,懒惰,慢性子,赏金猎人,勇敢,胆小,实用主义等英雄性格。) 2 new functional settlements (by Liquidninja and Pvt88) Liquidninja和Pvt88制作的2座新的可建设城镇 minor fixes 细微调整 other stuff 以及其它修正

0.653: 19名新英雄 新的英雄系统 6座新的可建设聚落 3座新的空白聚落 细微调整 查菲尔德现在是强盗的城堡 农民,探险者,强盗兵种的面部外观更丰富 其它变更 在宿营菜单里可以选择开关作弊模式 新的英雄系统还不完善,登陆子版块查看详情 注意一下,就是现在给英雄1000刀只能增加初始的10好感,要招募英雄必须好感达到英雄等级的两倍

0.64 Additions Specifics: 0.64新增功能 minor fixes and additions (a ton of random stuff heh) 大量细微变更与脚本纠错 ew resource and upgrade system 新的资源与升级系统 raiding 洗劫城镇 resource caravans 辎重队 new peasant jobs (quarryman, lumberjack, farmer) 多种工人 Resources: 资源: Wood 木材 Rock 石料 Food 食物 The resources and gold profits generated every month are kept at the settlement and viewable via the "Manage Settlement" option. 城镇资源与收入每月累计一次,存储于城镇中,在升级选项里可以查看 Resource Generation (monthly): 月资源采集收入: Everyone in population party generates gold, wood, and food at a low rate. 所有人口均可以缓慢地生产一定的黄金,木材和食物 Prisoners generate gold and rock at twice the rate. 囚犯采集黄金和石料的速度是一般人口的两倍 Quarrymen/women generate extra rock. 采石工采石更多 Farmers generate extra food. 农夫生产更多食物 Lumberjacks/jills generate extra wood. 伐木工生产更多木材 More gold is generated with higher prosperity (with corruption taking away up to 10% at 100 corruption). 高繁荣可以提高金币收入(混乱100最多可减少收入的10%,影响不是很大) More wood, rock, and food is generated with higher production. 高“产出productivity”加快木材,石料,食物的采集和生产 Manage Settlement (new options): 新管理选项: Settlements require gold, wood, rock, and food to upgrade (AIs have same requirements as the player now). 需要上述4种资源来升级城镇,AI亦然。 You can withdraw gold (if you have atleast 1000 in the settlement) or deposit gold (if you have atleast 1000 gold). 在你的城镇存取款(以1000金币为单位) You can withdraw food to take with you. 可以从城镇取出食物 Organize Population (new options): 新的动员人口选项: Can train the new worker types. 训练各种新的工种 Edit Settlement (new options): 新的作弊选项: Can add peasants to all Settlements (about 10-20 to each) 增加所有城镇的人口(10-20人) Can add a mega wave of bandits (around 100 bandit parties around) 增加一队匪徒(100人) Can wait really fast (10 times the normal settlement wait rate) 可以超快地在“休息”(10倍于常速) Raiding: 洗劫: Can raid settlements if you've defeated their garrison. 打败守军后洗劫城镇 You steal all of their gold and resources when you do so, though the food stock is half destroyed in the process, and only 1 fifth of the wood stores avoid being destroyed in the process. 劫掠全部黄金和其它资源,注意:洗劫时一半的食物会损失掉,五分之四的木材被洗劫的过程损毁 All the gold and resources and prisoners/freed prisoners are added to a "Resource Caravan" that will head to your settlement and add its contents to it. 劫掠的资源和抓获的俘虏会被编入辎重队自动运至你的城镇 AIs will not raid you in this version. 本版本的AI不会劫掠玩家 Fighting current owners of a settlement: 攻打城镇: The population party will only help in the fight if the settlement is owned by the peasant faction. 攻击居民自治城镇时平民也会参加防守 The lumberjacks/jills and quarrymen/women can be pretty tough compared to the peasants or farmers. 伐木工和采石匠比一般农民生猛很多 Misc: Added some random trade routes to Custow so that making a new trade route with them doesnt mean all their caravans go to your settlement. 增加了几条商队路线,这样它们的商队不会都到玩家的城镇去 細微調整 增加了Liquidninja制作的第8个可建设城镇Ravenspire !与0.62存档兼容

0.62: minor fixes added Braemar settlement (by Liquidninja) added female troop line of kingdom troops improved bandit troop line 0.62版 几处细微调整 增加了Liquidninja制作的第7个可建设城镇Braemar 为王国增加了女性兵种树(大家熟悉的各大王國的每一個兵種,都有男有女了,從農夫農婦升級得到!同樣的護甲,不同性別穿上會不一樣,薄衣服更明顯,曲線~~~) 优化了土匪的兵种树

Purpose: I made this mod because of the times when I'd be given a village and do everything I could to make it better, only to see no noticeable effect. So the main purpose of this mod is to have your efforts on your settlement matter. Mainly I do this by changing the scene when you finish a stage of development, and having the troops in the scenes be the ones you put in. Also, the overland map icon changes according to the stages. Another purpose of this mod is to add more long term goals. Theres a lot more for me to do but I figured I'd post what I've got so people can try it out or use parts of it. A lot of what I've made is also based on the things people have requested on the forums. 构思: 每次当你升级完你的村庄的所有新设施后,走进去一看却和原来是一个样子,是多么乏味啊!基于这个原因,我决定制作一个mod来终结这种乏味。这个mod的主要目的就是让你对村庄做出的决定全部可视化。主要的特色是:对村庄进行不同的升级后村庄的外景都会变样,你在村庄内放置的驻军,在你进村后可以真切的看到他们!另外,大地图上的村庄图标也会随着村庄的建设发生变化。当然啦,这个mod还有很多远期的构想,不过我先放出已经完成的部分以便让好奇的玩家们尽快得到新的体验,其他的制作者也可以各取所需。很多灵感其实都源于论坛上朋友们对游戏的牢骚;-) Basic Details: Native map but with only custom settlements. After you claim a settlement you'll be made part of a new faction belonging to you. You can then rename the settlement and your new faction (will be renamed your current player name, which you can change to achieve desired results), and change its colour. Then you can work on improving the settlement so you can increase its economy level or military level, both of which start at 0 and can be upgraded to 1 then 2. If your settlement reaches mili1 you are considered a Lord and get a banner. If your settlement reaches mili2 you can turn a hero companion into your Steward (betters your settlement over time, useful for organizing your Lords/Ladies when you have them; other functions coming). If your settlement reaches econ2 and mili2 you are considered King/Queen and can start claiming extra settlements, and for every extra settlement you have you can turn a hero companion into a Lord/Lady. Currently I've got a fair bit of functionality (much more than I want to list for brevities sake) with minimal issues, but its still a work in progress. 概况: 现在还是用原版的大地图,但是只有可建设的聚落。当你攻取一座聚落时便可自立为一个新国家。你的聚落和你的国家名都可以更改(默认是根据玩家的姓名命名),国家的颜色也可以改变。然后你就可以一步步把你的聚落的经济和军事水平从0级升到2级。当你的聚落的军事水平打到1级,你就成为了一名领主,可以拥有自己的徽章,携带相应的旗帜。当聚落的军事水平到达2级就能将你的一个英雄(npc)任命为管家(他/她对聚落成长有积极的影响,可以让他替你集合你的领主;管家的其他功能不断完善中)。当你的聚落的经济军事水平都到2级时你便获得国王/女王的资格,可以出兵去攻取更多的聚落了,每攻取一座新聚落都可以封你的一个英雄为那里的领主。目前mod的功能已经比较完善,不过我还在不断努力哦^_^ Description: 简介: [WIP] Currently adds 6 customizable settlements (which can be renamed ingame), plus 14 empty ones. Dynamically growing settlements and kingdoms. Can turn your heroes into lords if you have an extra custom settlement for them and your settlement is a Castle Town. Can turn 1 of your heroes into your steward if you have a castle. Check the homepage/thread for more details. 目前已添加了8个可以自行更改名称的可建设聚落:Charfield;Kargala;Ettlesen;Custow已經是頂級城堡;Icengard;Braemar;Stoneport; Ravenspire,和12座空白的聚落名稱類似empty,那里不會有建筑,玩家不要去占領!)。 动态成长的聚落和王国。 当你自己拥有一座城堡或市镇且有多余的可建设的聚落时,可以封你的英雄为多余聚落的领主。 当你拥有一座城堡后,可以任命你的一个英雄为管家。 Features: 特色: ■Customizable and Upgradeable settlement 可自订建设并且升级的聚落 ■Troops can be garrisoned 可以在聚落驻军 ■Can wait in town 可以在聚落里休息 ■Battles nearby take place in the settlement with the help of the settlement troops 大地图上,你在聚落附近进行的战斗会在聚落的场景进行,聚落驻军会加入我方部队。 ■Different scenes for each combination of economy and military upgrades (9 different outdoor scenes) 为聚落进行不同的经济和军事升级后,聚落的户外场景不同(9种不同外景) ■Indoor scenes for tavern (requires economy level 2), manor (military 1), castle (military 2), prison (economy 1, military 2) 新的酒馆内部场景(需要2级经济水平),新的庄园内部场景(需要军事水平1级),城堡内部场景(军事水平2级),监狱内部场景(经济1级,军事2级) ■Chests you can store items in (1 to start, another one in manor and one more in castle) 添加了储物箱(初始1个,庄园和城堡内还会各有1个) ■Troops in scenes are actual units in the garrison and are active: prisoners run about gathering resources, peasants visit others and spend time at home, troops attack enemies and then return to their post 聚落内生活的人员在外景是动态可见的:你能看到囚犯们奔忙着做苦力;-),村民们在家休息或是互相串门,士兵们出城迎敌然后回到自己的岗哨 ■Occasional random encounters: travellers can visit, looters can wander near and become a nuisance 随机事件:旅行者有时会造访聚落,劫匪在周围游荡并且可能来抢掠! ■Time spent in settlement outdoor scenes improves your parties morale (they enjoy the downtime) and your reputation with the settlement 玩家和你的军队在聚落的外景长时间行动可以提高军队士气和聚落对您的好感 ■Time spent in settlement indoor scenes has benefits as well depending on building 在聚落的建筑物内景长时间活动也有相应的好处哦 ■Patrolling the scene can lower corruption. 经常在聚落内巡视可以减少腐败,维护税收 ■Ability to set up mock battles using wooden weapons (got the idea from Lancien) under "Organize Population" menu (adds XP and upgrades to garrisoned troops based on training skill) 在“动员村民”选项里可以选择组织团练演习(使用木制武器),根据您的训练技能的水平,一些参演的村民们可升级为聚落的驻军 ■Can spend time training workers (upgrades peasants into crafters, increasing productivity) 可训练工人(将农民升级为工匠,提高聚落的繁荣) ■Can spend time training recruits (upgrades peasants into recruits) 可以训练新兵(将农民升级为新兵) ■Personal food stores aren't used up when near settlement 在聚落附近活动时不消耗您的inventory(个人储物箱)内的食物,大家一起吃聚落的大锅饭(socialism,o(∩_∩)o) ■Tons more changes 更多的其他变更有待玩家自己去发现! Supplementary Features: Talk to village elders to convince some of the peasants there to travel to your settlement (when the peasants arrive they'll be added to your garrison and improve the settlements prosperity and such up to a point). Talk to guild masters to convince them to form a trade route with your settlement (caravans will visit your settlement and improve its prosperity). 新增功能: 和村庄长老谈话有机会说服他们让一些农夫移民到你的聚落成为居民并增加繁荣。 与商会领袖谈话有机会说服他们建立一条与你的聚落通商的商道,商队会经过你的聚落,增加繁荣。

      • Next Planned Main Features:***

计划中的功能: quests 新任务 upgradeable indoor areas 可升级的室内设施 ability to close doors to castle 城堡的城门可以关闭 ability to add ladders during siege 攻城时可以增加梯子数目 general dynamic scene object placement being raidable and degradeable and conquerable 可掠夺,会降级,能攻取的聚落 arena 新的竞技场 spouses, children 结婚系统,孩子 different dialogue personalities and options based on the random face numbers, also corruption and relation affecting convo 基于不同相貌的多样的人物性格和对话选项,腐化程度和人物关系影响对话的内容 ability to raise a townsperson into a noble hero in scene (so if you find a random you like, you can talk to them and make them a hero char) 在聚落的街头闲逛时,看一个市民或村民顺眼的话可以封为贵族(可以成为npc) make it possible to garrison heroes again 英雄又可以驻守到聚落中咯 hunting animals in scene 打猎! more and more ways to customize settlement and have it show 更多的建设选项和外观 everything better 还有许多改进 ive also got a very very long todo list of non-main features 更多的细微变动---我有一个很长的计划表哦:-) General Versions Outline: mod版本改进一览表 0.1 - Single settlement 0.1-控制一座聚落 0.2 - Multiple settlements 0.2-控制多个聚落 0.3 - AI Lords, stewards 0.3-AI领主,管家 0.4 - patrols, caravans 0.4-巡逻队,商队 0.5 - enemy settlements, map with only settlements 0.5-敌对聚落,只有聚落的大地图 0.6 - raidable, conquerable, degradeable settlements 0.6-可掠夺、征服、降级的聚落 !!!就是现在的0.61哦 !!! 0.7 - dynamic objects, doors, ladder, and more 0.7-动态的物品,门,梯子和其他 0.8 - upgradeable indoor areas and special areas 0.8-可升级的室内设施 0.9 - spouses, children? more interaction with heroes 0.9-结婚系统或者子女?总之会与npc有更多的互动:-) 1.0 - new overlandmap, polishing 1.0-新的大地图 1.x+ Adding content made by others and generally improving everything 1.x+加入其他制作者的内容,进行总体的改进

翻译(by dsr1013) 描述: [MOD持续更新中]本MOD引入了居住点和王国动态成长的养成游戏模式,随着治下城镇的发展,英雄可以成为领主(女领主)甚至国王(女王).想了解更多,请访问本MOD的主页或论坛.

特性: 可订制和升级的居住点 部队拥有驻防功能(在场景内会出现驻防于此地的部队士兵) 可以在城镇中实行等待命令 居住点附近发生的战斗将自动转移到该居住点内部进行,驻防此地的军队也会加入战斗. 随着玩家选择不同的经济或军事发展路线,居住点内的场景也会发生相应改变(户外场景共有9种不同类型). 为酒馆(建造需要经济水平2),庄园(建造需要军事水平1),城堡(需要军事水平2)以及监狱(需要经济水平1,军事水平2)设计了室内场景. 为玩家加入了存放物品用的置物箱(初期只有一个,建造庄园后会增加一个,建造城堡后会出现最后一个) 场景中出现的士兵是属于驻守部队的真实单位,他们会缉拿可疑人物,也会自动攻击敌人,任务执行完毕后会自动回到自己的岗位上去;囚犯会四处跑动,收集资源;农民会外出拜访其他人或者选择回家打发时间. 居住点中会不定期发生随机事件:可能会有旅行者到访,也有可能会出现流寇妨害城镇的发展. 在居住点的户外场景中待上一段时间可以提升部队士气(所有人都喜爱休闲时光)并提高玩家在该居住点的声望. 在居住点的室内场景中待上一段时间也会有好处,具体的奖励内容取决于该场景所在的建筑类型. 多在居住点中巡逻可以降低腐败值. 可以使用木制武器来在"Organize Population"(组织人手)菜单中选择进行模拟作战训练通过训练,可以为驻防部队增加经验,增加幅度取决于玩家的训练技能.(Lancien提供了创意) 玩家可以花费时间训练工人(将农民升级为手工业者,可以增加生产力) 玩家可以花费时间训练新兵(将农民升级为新兵) 当处于居住点附近时,玩家可以获得补给,此时军队的食物是无法消耗完的. 大量其他改动

更新历史: 0.3版: 加入了大量居住点建设选项 可以将英雄转化为领主 新增了居住点: Ettlesen(位于Yanlen附近) Charfield(位于Halmar附近) 以及大量小改动

0.35版: 修正了从村庄中得到农民的问题. 加入了居住点自动管理的AI(这样一来,AI控制的居住点也会自行发展) 当拥有城堡时,可以将1位同伴转变为玩家的个人管家(将这名同伴带入城堡,与之对话即可将其变为管家)

0.35b版: 修正了升级不起作用的问题 加入了巡逻队,于你的管家交谈即可雇佣巡逻队. 为玩家属下的领主增加了新功能,玩家现在可以像管理部队中的同伴那样管理他们的物品和查看他们的个人属性页面.

0.4版: 新增居住点Icengard(位于维吉尔与库吉特交界处) 改动了巡逻队,商队以及农民等部队

0.5版: 新增居住点Stoneport(位于萨哥斯附近的沿海地区) 新增了强盗团袭击居住点以及农民起义,囚犯暴动等事件,以上三种情况的发生都可能导致玩家失去该居住点. 还有更多更新内容

0.51版: 庄园的升级现在终于按我的想法来进行了 农民起义需要40以上的腐败,以及40以下的关系和繁荣度才可能发生.

0.52版: 拧民起义需要50以上的腐败,以及50以下的关系和繁荣度才可能发生. 减慢了战斗中时间的流逝

0.53版: 只是一些小改动

0.6版: 为所有居住点绘制了地图 NPC同伴可以在大地图上率领部队或者成为领主 所有居住点和王国会随时间流逝而逐渐扩张

0.61版: 进行了一些小改动 加入了AI控制的商队和巡逻队 整理了AI程序代码 新增居住点Kargala(由Achilles制作)

0.62版: 修正了一些小错误 新增居住点Braemar(由Liquidninja制作) 为每个王国增加了女性兵种树 扩展了强盗兵种树

0.63版: 修正了一些小错误 新增居住点Ravenspire(由Liquidninja制作)

0.64版: 修正了一些小错误,并增加了一些新特性 加入了新资源种类和新的城镇升级系统 引入了打劫功能(译者:原文这里意思不明确) 加入了运送资源的商队 增加了新的农民可参与的工作:采石工,伐木工和农夫

0.65版: 增加了19名新英雄 增加了新的英雄系统特性 新增5个完整居住点(作者分别是Chammadai,Louis Dumonte,Folthrik,Deritus和CtrlAltDe1337) 新增3个空白居住点 修正了一些小错误 将Charfield变为强盗控制的城堡 突出了农民,探险者以及强盗等不同人物之间的面部特征差异

0.652版: 修正了一些小错误,并保持了对以前版本存档的兼容性 新增居住点Fulrestin(由Koror制作)

0.653版: 修正了一些小错误,并保持了对以前版本存档的兼容性

0.66版: 修正了一些小错误,但不再兼容以前版本的存档 新增居住点Cuijk(由Pvt88制作)和Dartmoor(由Liquidninja制作) 增加了11名新英雄 植入了更多的习惯性的行为倾向

0.67版: 修正了较多错误,不再兼容以前版本的存档 新增了6个新居住点: mukk制作的Griffinhill Berpol制作的Falconpass jacob25制作的Esgaroth Folthrik制作的Grenlandsby Diavolo制作的Diavolonia Datver制作的Drunadd 新增了8个空白居住点 增加了25个新英雄 增加了新的雇佣兵派系 增强了AI的王国管理功能

0.675版: 修正了较多错误,不再兼容以前版本的存档 整合了Berpol制作的城市扩展包(包括13个新居住点和许多新英雄) 整合了AvaRice在OSP上提供的扩展包 由Berpol和Liquidninja对游戏界面进行了美化 增加了更多雇佣兵购买选项 增加了更多贿赂选项 增加了取得资源的新途径 改变了居住点的防御模式